Stay Psyched: 5 Useful Tips for DIY Creators

Set your mindset toward growth and loving what you do. Because if you enjoy what you do, the right people will love it too.


Be yourself, be clear, and don't be afraid to change things up. This advice might sound generic, but as a DIY creator they can be easy points to miss (especially if you're not paying attention to your mindset). Check out the YouTube video for the podcast, too! 

Set your mindset toward growth and loving what you do. Because if you enjoy what you do, the right people will love it too.

The Get Psyched podcast is finally one year old (as of 2021), and I've changed a lot of things about the show since its release. These lessons that I'm sharing today have really helped me boost my confidence and enjoy what I'm creating to the fullest extent.

As for changing things up... I'm currently working on writing and focusing on my mindset more. So checkout where I'm posting new blogs on psychology, mindset, and music every Friday.

Mentioned in this Episode:

You can Get Psyched on...

Checkout my friend and fellow creator
PME On Spotify

(Producer PME has given me permission to use his beat '300k' as the Get Psyched intro/outro beat)

View all podcasts from WKNC 88.1 FM HD-1/HD-2 and NC State Student Media